The study of the mummy of pandolfo iii malatesta (1370-1427), prince of fano

Pandolfo III Malatesta (1370-1427) was a leading figure of the Italian Renaissance. He was a Captain General of the Republican troops of Venice fighting…

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Italian mummies

The mummies in Italy can be divided into two different typological groups: natural and artificial mummies.

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Identificazione di uova di trichuris trichiura in una mummia rinascimentale

Si tratta della prima segnalazione di Trichuris trichiura in materiali antichi italiani, se si esclude la ben nota mummia neolitica del Similaun.

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Vaiolo in una mummia rinascimentale italiana

La Basilica di S. Domenico Maggiore, risalente agli inizi del XIV secolo, costituisce una delle più grandi e importanti chiese di Napoli. Nell’annesso…

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The crypt of the church of the "Saints Jesus and Mary" of Borgo Cerreto, a village near Spoleto (Umbria, central Italy), revealed the natural mummy of a…

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Quando la paleopatologia e’ arte… Ritratto “espressionista” di fegato mummificato

Nonostante le marcate alterazioni postmortali, gli organi interni risultano spesso ben conservati nelle mummie naturali.

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Paleoandrology and prostatic hyperplasia in italian mummies (xv-xix centuries)

Prostatic hyperplasia, a very common condition today, was well known in the past as cause for bladder distension. The difficulty to identify, at autopsy of…

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K-ras mutation in the carcinoma of ferrante i of aragon, king of naples (1431-1494)

The autopsy performed on the artificial mummy of Ferrante I of Aragon, King of Naples and leading figure of the Italian Renaissance (1431-1494), exhumed in the…

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The blessed christina from spoleto: a case of 15th century artificial mummy from umbria (central italy)

The study of the artificial mummy of the Blessed Christine (c. 1432-1458) from Spoleto (Umbria, central Italy) showed a young, very obese women, with an…

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Prostatic enlargement in the mummy of pandolfo iii malatesta (1370-1427)

Pandolfo III Malatesta (1370-1427) was a leading figure of the Italian Renaissance. He was General Captain of the Republican troops of Venice fighting against…

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