Ruoli nella Divisione
- Cultore della Materia
- Laurea Magistrale in Archeologia
- Tutor della Summer School in Osteoarchaeology and Paleopathology
- Dottorato in Archeologia (Curriculum paleopatologico)
Giulia Riccomi
Researcher unique identifier(s):ORCID 0000-0002-3048-0493
URL for web site: https://www.paleopatologia.it; https://www.map.sma.unipi.it
For all the publications see the research archive of UNIPI: IRIS-ARPI https://arpi.unipi.it/cris/rp/rp43952
CURRENT POSITION: Post-doctoral Fellow
Bioarchaeology, palaeopathology, stable isotope analysis, archaeological science, history of medicine, conservation and musealisation of ancient human skeletal specimens, funerary archaeology.
Dec. 2020-Dec. 2021 Post-doctoral Fellow (contract n°109078). Division of Paleopathology, Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, University of Pisa, Italy
Nov. 2019-present: “Cultore della Materia” (Subject Expert and Examiner) in History of Medicine (S.S.D. MED-02), Division of Paleopathology, University of Pisa, Italy
Nov. 2019-Ott. 2020: Post-doctoral Fellow (contract n°16651). Division of Paleopathology, Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery University of Pisa, Italy
Oct. 2016-Oct. 2019: PhD in Classical Studies and Archaeology summa cum laude and Doctor Europaeus certification, University of Pisa (Italy).
Advisor: Prof. Valentina Giuffra
Feb. 2015-May 2016: Post Graduate Specialisation in “Bioarchaeology, Paleopathology and Forensic Anthropology” University of Bologna, Pisa and Milano (Italy).
Oct. 2010-Nov. 2013: MSc in Archaeology summa cum laude, University of Pisa (Italy) –
Supervisor: Prof. Gino Fornaciari,
Co-supervisor: Dr. Simona Minozzi
Sep. 2005-Sep. 2010: BA in History summa cum laude, University of Pisa (Italy) –
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Milanese,
Co-supervisor: Dr. Federico Cantini
Sep. 2019: Visiting Scholar for training in stable isotope analysis –
Dept. of Anthropology,
University of California, Berkeley (CA, USA)
Sep. 2018-Nov. 2018: Visiting Scholar for training in stable isotope analysis –
Dept. of Archaeology, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (Germany)
Dec. 2013-Jan. 2015: Conservation and musealization of Medieval and post-Medieval osteoarchaeological specimens, Division of Paleopathology (University of Pisa)
Jun. 2018-Jun. 2020 Team Member of the Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo (PRA) 2018-2019 (PI Prof. Valentina Giuffra) entitled ”On the antiquity of cancer: the contribution of paleopathology to the study of ancient tumours” (University of Pisa, Italy), € 48.500
Oct. 2016-Oct. 2019 PhD Scholarship from the University of Pisa (Italy) for 3-years Doctoral program in Classical Studies and Archaeology: € 46.000 (gross amount)
Mar. 2016 Award of the Degree “Luigi Brian” for MSc Thesis, Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere (Genova, Italy), € 1000
Sep. 2017-present Five (5) Master students in Archaeology, Division of Paleopathology, University of Pisa (Italy).
Sep. 2016-present Lecturer, Summer School in Osteoarchaeology and Paleopathology, University of Pisa (Italy);
May 2019 Lecturer, Master I Livello Antropologia scheletrica, forense e paleopatologia, University of Bologna, Pisa and Milano (Italy).
May 2017 Organizing Committee Member, III Meeting GiPaleo, Pisa (Italy)
2020 Bioarchaeology and dietary reconstruction across Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in central Italy: the contribution of ancient Tuscany. Oxford, UK: Archaeopress (under contract)
Peer reviewed journals
2020 Tulumello G., Falduto M., Verboso IG., Genga A., Mastronuzzi G., Riccomi G. 2020. A possible case of paleopathology of leukaemia from Late Antique southern Italy. The Lancet Oncology 21(12), pp. 1561-1562
Gaeta R., Minozzi S., Fornaciari A., Giuffra V., Riccomi G., Lubritto C., Fornaciari G. 2020. Exhumation and anthropological study of the skeletal remains attributed to Liutprand, King of the Longobards (690 ca AD-744 AD). Medicina Historica 4(2)e2020008;
Riccomi G., Minozzi S., Cantini F., Zech J., Giuffra V., Roberts P. 2020. Stable Isotope reconstruction of dietary changes across Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in central Italy 33 102546. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102546.
2019 Giuffra V., Minozzi S., Riccomi G., Naccarato G., Castagna M., Lencioni R., Chericoni S., Mongelli V., Felici C. 2019. Multiple osteomata from medieval Tuscany (ca. 10th-12th AD). International Journal of Paleopathology 25: 56–61
Riccomi G., Fornaciari G, Giuffra V. 2019. Multiple Myeloma in Antiquity: a Critical Review. International Journal of Paleopathology 24: 201-212
2018 Tulumello G., Riccomi G., Minozzi S, Longo S., Longo M., Giuffra V. 2018. Linear cutting trepanation in Italy: a unique case from Hellenistic Sicily. World Neurosurgery 116:116-120
Cameriere R., Bestetti F., Velandia L., Riccomi G., Skrami E., Parente V., Ferrante L. 2018. Carpals and epiphyses of radius and ulna as age indicators using longitudinal data: a Bayesian approach. International Journal of Legal Medicine; https://doi.org/10.1007/s00414-018-1807-7
Riccomi G. and Giuffra V. 2018. First portrait of a syphilitic patient: Ulrich von Hutten. The American Journal of Medicine; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amjmed.2017.12.047
Riccomi G., Fornaciari G., Minozzi S., Aringhieri G., Giuffra V. 2018. On the antiquity of bone tumours: a rare case of osteoblastoma from Medieval Tuscany. The Lancet Oncology 19(1):26
2017 Riccomi G., Minozzi S., Pantano W., Catalano P., Aringhieri G., Giuffra V. 2017. Paleopathological evidence of paranasal lesions: Two cases of frontal sinus osteoma from Imperial Rome, International Journal of Paleopathology (20), 60-64
Riccomi G., Fornaciari G., Angelica V., Bini A., Caramella D., Giuffra V. 2017. Trepanation to treat a head wound: a case of neurosurgery from 13th century Tuscany. World Neurosurgery 104:9-13
Riccomi G., Fornaciari G., Vitiello A., Caramella D., Giuffra V. 2017. A case of therapeutic trepanation from 13th century Tuscany. Pathologica, 109, pp. 435
2016 De Luca S., Aguilar L., Rivera M., Palacio LA., Riccomi G., Bestetti F., Cameriere R. 2016. Accuracy of cut-off value by measurement of third molar index: Study of a Colombian sample, Forensic Science International, 261, 160.e1-160.e5.
2015 Minozzi S., Riccomi G., Lubritto C., Ricci P., Fornaciari G. 2015. Dentoalveolar diseases and dietary habits in the social upper classes of the Italian Renaissance: the Guinigi family from Lucca. Pathologica, 107, pp. 212-213
International Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings (with oral or poster presentations)
2020 Monaco M., Riccomi G., Tripodi P., Aringhieri G., Bombardieri L. 2020. Skeletal trauma or post-mortem damage? Exploring the role of taphonomy in a prehistoric skull from Erimi Laonin tou Porakou (Cyprus) 26th European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)- Virtual edition, Budapest (Hungary), 26-30/08/2020;
2019 Gaeta R., Minozi S., Fornaciari A., Giuffra V., Riccomi G., Fornaciari G. 2019. Exhumation and anthropological study of the skeletal remains attributed to Liutprand, King of the Longobards (690 ca AD-744 AD). Virchows Archiv 475(1), 31st European Society of Pathology, Nice (France), 7-11/09/2019;
2018 Tulumello G., Riccomi G., Minozzi S., Giuffra V. Linear cutting trepanation in Italy: A unique case from Hellenistic Sicily (3rd century BC), Proceedings of the 22nd PPA European Congress, Zagreb (Croatia), 28/08-1/09/2018
Giuffra V., Riccomi G., Fornaciari G. Trepanation in Italy: A review of the literature and a new case, Proceedings of the 22nd PPA European Congress, Zagreb (Croatia), 28/08-1/09/2018
2017 Riccomi G., Fornaciari G., Minozzi S., Aringhieri G., Giuffra V. On the antiquity of bone tumours: a rare case of osteoblastoma from Medieval Tuscany, Proceedings of the 14th Congreso Nacional and International de Paleopatologia, University of Alicante (Spain); 8/11-11/11/2017
Minozzi S., Riccomi G. 2017. Porotic Hyperostosis as stress indicator: the state of the art, StressedOut Conference, UCL Institute of Archaeology, London (UK), 19-20/05/2017
National Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings (with oral or poster presentations)
2019 Fornaciari A., Minozzi S., Riccomi G., Giuffra V. Il Museo di Anatomia Patologica dell’Università di Pisa: i preparati otorinolaringoiatrici. Proceedings of the 8th Giornata di Museologia Medica 2019, Società Italiana di Storia della Medicina, Varese (Italy)
Giuffra V., Riccomi G., Minozzi S., Saviano G., Caramella D., Felici C. Un caso di osteoartropatia ipertrofica secondaria dalla Toscana medievale, Proceedings of the 52nd meeting SISM, Monza (Italy), 12-14/06/2019
Riccomi G., Fornaciari G., Giuffra V. Il mieloma multiplo in paleopatologia, Proceedings of the 52nd meeting SISM, Monza (Italy), 12-14/06/2019
Gaeta R., Minozzi S., Fornaciari A., Giuffra V., Riccomi G., Fornaciari G. Riesumazione e studio antropologico dei resti scheletrici attribuiti a Liutprando, Re dei Longobardi (690-744), Proceedings of the 5th Meeting GIPaleo, Forlì (Italy), 18/05/2019
2018 Giuffra V., Naccarato G., Castagna M., Lencioni R., Chericoni S., Mongelli V., Riccomi G., Campana S. Multiple osteomas in a skeleton from the Medieval necropolis of Pava (Tuscany, 10th-12th centuries), Proceedings of the 4th Meeting GIPaleo, L’Aquila (Italy), 27/10/2018
2017 Riccomi G., Minozzi S., Catalano P., Caramella D., Giuffra V. Due casi di osteoma del seno frontale dalla necropoli romana di Collatina di età imperiale (I-III d.C.), Proceedings of the 22th AAI Congress, Roma, 7/09/2017
Riccomi G., Fornaciari G., Angelica V., Bini A., Caramella D., Giuffra V. Trapanazione a scopo terapeutico: un caso medievale dalla Toscana, Proceedings of the 22th AAI Congress, Roma, 6/09/2017
Minozzi S., Riccomi G., Fornaciari G. Affezioni dentoalveolari e abitudini alimentari dei nobili del Rinascimento italiano: la famiglia Guinigi di Lucca, Proceedings of the 22th AAI Congress, Roma, 6/09/2017
Riccomi G., Fornaciari G., Angelica V., Bini A., Caramella D., Giuffra V. A case of therapeutic trepanation from 13th century Tuscany,. Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting GIPaleo, Pisa, 12/05/2017.
2015 Minozzi S., Riccomi G., Lubritto C., Ricci P., Fornaciari G. 2015. Dentoalveolar diseases and dietary habits in the social upper classes of the Italian Renaissance: the Guinigi family from Lucca, Proceedings of the 2nd National Meeting of GIPaleo, L’Aquila, 31/10/2015.
2020 Riccomi G., Minozzi S., Giuffra V. 2020. A Report from the 2020 Online Edition of the “Summer School in Osteoarchaeology and Paleopathology” – University of Pisa (Italy). Paleopathology Newsletter, 19, pp. 5-6;
Riccomi G. 2020. Life conditions between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in Tuscany (central Italy) through the analysis of skeletal and dental stress markers: a bioarchaeological approach. Summary of PhD project listed in BABAO 2019 Annual Review.
Workshop and Courses
2020 Virtual Workshop “Puberty and adolescence in bioarchaeology”, University of Reading (UK), 14/07-17/07/2020;
Winter School “R for archaeologists”, Dept. of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge, University of Pisa (Italy), 27/01-7/02/2020;
2019 Statistics Intermediate Course (STATA programme), Dept. of Economy and Management, University of Pisa (Italy), 7/05-2/7/2019;
2018 Workshop Isotope Research in Archaeology,
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (Germany), 17-18/09/2018.
IRMS User Meeting ThermoFisher Scientific
Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG-CNR), Pisa (Italy), 19-20/04/2018.
2017 Short Course in Statistical Analysis in Bioarchaelogy BioStat (Scuola Alta Formazione Statistica), Uni Astiss (Polo Universitario Asti Studi Superiori), Division of Paleopathology (University of Pisa, Italy) 29-31/05/2017.
2015 Workshop AgEstimation Project
Amamel and University of Macerata, Macerata (Italy), 5-6/06/2015.
Bioarchaeology Studies
2020 Human skeletal remains from the Etruscan necropolis of Le Colombaie (Volterra, Italy)
2019- present Human skeletal remains from the Protohistoric necropolises of Pontecagnano (Salerno, Italy)
2016-present Human osteological collections from Late Antique and Medieval Tuscany (Italy)
2014-2016 Human skeletal remains of the Guinigi Chapel (14th -17th centuries AD) (Lucca, Italy)
2014 Cremated human remains from the Bronze Age necropolis of Gennicciola (Massa, Italy)
2011-2013 Human skeletal remains from the ossuary of the Guinigi Chapel (14th-17th centuries AD) (Lucca, Italy)
Field experience
2019 Participation to the exhumation and study of Saint Atto’s mummy (Pistoia, Italy)
Participation to the anthropological and paleopathological investigation on human skeletal remains of Carlo III Borbone (Viareggio, Italy)
2018 Participation to the anthropological and paleopathological investigation on human skeletal remains of Liutprando (Pavia, Italy)
2015 5th Bioarchaelogical excavation campaign at the Medieval monastery’s cemetery of Badia Pozzeveri (Lucca, Italy)
2014 4th Archaeological excavation campaign at Bronze Age incineration necropolis of Parrana San Martino (Livorno, Italy)
2nd Bioarchaelogical excavation campaign at Ex-Salesiani Convent (Pisa, Italy)
2013 Participation to the “Medici Project” investigating the burials of Gianfrancesco Maria de’ Medici (1619-1689) and Antonfrancesco Maria de’ Medici (1618-1659) (Florence, Italy)
2012 1st Bioarchaelogical excavation campaign at Ex-Salesiani Convent (Pisa, Italy)
2011 2nd Archaelogical survey at San Miniato (Pisa, Italy)
11th Archaeological excavation campaign at the Medieval site of San Genesio (Pisa, Italy)
5th Archaeological excavation campaign at the Medieval castle of Benabbio (Lucca, Italy)
2020 Convegno online di chiusura del Progetto PRA 2018-2019 “Sull’antichità del cancro: il contributo della paleopatologia allo studio dei tumori antichi”, “Il mieloma multiplo in paleopatologia” 4/12/2020
2019 Annual Doctoral Meeting “La città fra realtà e rappresentazione”, Condizioni di vita e di salute tra Tarda Antichità e Medioevo in Toscana: indicatori di stress e analisi paleonutrizionale, 14/02/2019, Firenze (Italy)
2018 Departmental talk, Dept. of Archaeology, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Life and health conditions between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in Tuscany (Italy), 26/11/2018, Jena (Germany)
2017 Annual Doctoral Meeting, “Giochi di Memoria fra spazio e tempo”, Condizioni di vita e di salute tra Tarda Antichità e Medioevo in Toscana attraverso lo studio degli indicatori scheletrici di stress nutrizionale e di malattia nei resti scheletrici umani: profilo paleodemografico, 8-9/02/2018, Pisa (Italy)
Conference Series La patologia odontostomatologica dei Guinigi ed una rara protesi dentaria lucchese del XVI-XVII secolo, 10/05/2017 Museo di Storia Naturale, Calci (Italy)
2017-present Staff Member of the Pathological Anatomy Museum, University of Pisa (Italy) https://www.map.sma.unipi.it
2018 Il più antico tumore osseo trovato in uno scheletro di mille anni, La Repubblica, 9/04/2018, retrieved from https://www.repubblica.it/scienze/2018/04/09/news/in_uno_scheletro_di_mille_anni_il_piu_antico_tumore_osseo-193394517/
Bioarcheologia. Superquark, aired on 25/07/2018, retrieved from https://www.raiplay.it/video/2018/07/Bioarcheologia-25072018-e1a1a0a6-9e18-4c3b-9cbe-979b402bcdec.html
2016-present PPA (Paleopathology Association)
2016-present BABAO (British Association for Bioarchaelogy and Osteoarchaeology)
2015-present GIPaleo (Italian Group of Paleopathology)
2015-present AAI (Italian Anthropological Association)
2015-present AgEstimation Project Research Group (University of Macerata)
Altri membri dello Staff
Rossella Megaro
Giuseppe Vercellotti
Valeria Mongelli
Valentina Giuffra
Simona Minozzi